

Please visit the registration desk upon arrival to collect your conference materials.
The Conference Registration Desk will open on Tuesday, September 11, from 16:30 to 20:30 in order to streamline the registration process. Whenever possible attendees are cordially invited to collect their badge and conference material on September 11.
The Conference registration desk will remain open during the conference.
All attendees are kindly required to wear their badge for entry into the conference room.


Wednesday 12 September
09:15 – 09:35
Welcome and conference opening
09:35 -10:15
Keynote: D. Kriticos, Combining climate-based niche models and simple spread models to estimate economic impacts of invasive species: methods, challenges and prospects

Session 1: Climate change interactions with biological invasions (Chair: D. Richardson)
10:15 -10:30
F Vaz-Pinto, C. Olabarria, I. Gestoso, E. Cacabelos, M. Incera & F. Arenas, Role of functional diversity and climate change on the invasibility of macroalgae assemblages.
10:30 -10:45
J. Canning-Clode, A. E. Fowler, J. E. Byers, J. T. Carlton & G. M. Ruiz, Climate change and marine non-indigenous species: the role of unusual cold events.
10:45 – 11:00
D. Blumenthal, Global change, water, and invasion in a semi-arid grassland
11:00 – 11:15
M. Beckmann, M. Hock, R. Hofmann, J. Dieskau, H. Bruelheide & A. Erfmeier, UV-B radiation and plant invasions - two interacting aspects of global change.
11:15 -11:40
Coffee break

Session 2: New tools for prevention and early detection of invasive species (Chair: G. Ruiz)
11:40 -11:55
S. Olenin, A. Zaiko & D. Minchin, Invasive alien species assessments for the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
11:55 – 12:10
D. Paini, SOM-where over the rainbow: using invasive pest assemblages to rank invasive species.
12:10 – 12:25
N. J. Bott, D. Giblot-Ducray, M. R. Deveney & A. McKay, Development of molecular surveillance strategies for the monitoring of invasive marine species in Australian ports.
12: 25 – 12:40
X. Pochon, N. Bott, K. Smith, & S. Wood, Evaluating Detection Limits of Next Generation Sequencing for the Surveillance and Monitoring of International Marine Pests.
12:40 – 12:55
A. Aebi, S. Bacher & S. J. Bacon, Quarantine insect trapping at Zürich airport and molecular identification.
12:55 – 13:10
V. Deltoro, G. Ballester, P. Pérez Rovira, J. Pérez Botella, J. Enric Oltra & J. Jiménez-Pérez, Early warning and early intervention’s contribution to success in the fight against Cylindropuntia rosea, an extremely invasive Mexican cactus in the Valencia region.
13:10 – 13: 25
A. C. Cardoso, S. Katsanevakis, K. Bogucarskis, F. Gatto, J. Vandekerkhove & I. Deriu, A novel tool for the exploration of alien species information: the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN).
13: 25- 13: 40
J. Pergl, W. Nentwig, M. Winter, S. Bacher, F. Essl, P. Genovesi, P. E. Hulme, V. Jarošík, I. Kühn, P. Pyšek, A. Roques, D. Roy, M. Vilà & H. Roy, Progress on DAISIE: ALIEN species inventories in Europe updated.
13:40 – 16:00

Session 3: Modelling the success of alien species (Chair: I. Kühn)
16:10 – 16:25
T. Mang, F. Essl, I. Kleinbauer & S. Dullinger, Estimating true spread progress and handling bias sources in modelling imperfectly observed invasions.
16:25 – 16:40
H. Müller-Schärer, M.H. Hahn, P. Mráz, O. Broennimann, A. Guisan & U. Schaffner, A multi-forked approach to understand plant invasions: combining historical records, niche-modeling and experimental studies.
16:40 – 16:55
L. C. Foxcroft, V. Jarošík, P. Pyšek, D. M. Richardson, M. Rouget & S. MacFadyen, Plant invasions in Kruger National Park, South Africa: the role of boundaries, general predictors and species-specific factors,
16:55 – 17:10
B. Gallardo & D. C. Aldridge, Priority setting for invasive species management: integrated risk assessment of multiple Ponto Caspian invasive species into Great Britain.
17:10- 17:25
M. J. Wittmann, J. M. Jeschke, M. Hutzenthaler, W. Gabriel & D. Metzler, Stochastic models for introduced species and their interactions with native species.
17:25 – 17:55
Coffee break

Session 4: Risk analysis of biological invasions (Chair: W. Rabitsch)

17:55 – 18:10
P. E. Hulme, Weed risk assessment: do data help make better decisions?
18:10 – 18:25
M. Kenis, U. Schaffner & PRATIQUE partners, A new method to assess the present and actual environmental impacts of alien plants and plant pests in pest risk analysis.
18:25 – 18:40
T. Loennechen Moen, A new generation risk assessment of alien species - Risk assessment of all known alien species in Norway, using a new quantitative methodology suitable for all taxonomic groups and habitats. & L. Gederaas
18:40 – 18:55
S. Kumschick, S. Bacher, W. Dawson, I. Kühn, T. Pluess & A. Sendek, A conceptual framework for prioritization of invasive alien species for management.
19:00 – 20:15
Poster session 1 
- Climate change interactions with biological invasions.
- New tools for prevention and early detection of invasive species.
- Modelling the success of alien species.
- Risk analysis of biological invasions.
- Ecological impacts of biological invasions.

Thursday 13 September
09:15 – 9:55
Keynote: G. Ruiz, K. Larson, L. McCann, P. Fofonoff, B. Steves, W. Miller, A. Hines, J. Canning-Clode, A. Freestone & C. deRivera, Latitudinal gradient of non-native species richness for marine invertebrates.

Session 5: Ecological impacts of biological invasions (Chair: P. Pyšek)
9:55 – 10:10
J. Sagerman, S. Enge, H. Pavia & S. A. Wikström, Novel ecological strategies determines the impact on community production by two successful non-native seaweeds.
10:10 – 10:25
J. E. Byers, J. T. Wright & P. E. Gribben, Behaviorally-mediated interactions between native and invasive ecosystem engineers influence community structure
10:25 – 10:40
Y. Sun, R. Collins, U. Schaffner & H. Müller-Schärer, Impact of a plant invader on its neighbours: size matters at home but not away
10:40 – 10:55
H. E. Roy, T. Adriaens, N. J.B. Isaac, M. Kenis, T. Onkelinx, G. San Martin, P. M.J. Brown, L. Hautier, R. Poland, D. B. Roy, R. Comont, R. Eschen, R. Frost, R. Zindel, J. Van Vlaenderen, O. Nedvěd, H. P. Ravn, J-C. Grégoire, J-C. de Biseau & D. Maes, Harmonia axyridis implicated in native European ladybird declines.
10:55 – 11:10
M. Gaertner, R. Biggs, M. Te Beest, J. Molofsky & D. M. Richardson, Regime shifts following alien plant invasions.
11:10 – 11:25
A. Traveset, R. Heleno, M. Nogales, P. Vargas & J. Olesen, Mutualistic networks in the Galapagos Islands. Impacts of invasive species on their structure
11:25: 11:40
I. Kowarik, R. Bartz & M. von der Lippe, Relating invasion impacts to conservation values: a missing link in assessing and managing biological invasions
11:40: 11:55
W. Nentwig, S. Bacher, E. Kühnel, S. Kumschick, S. Vaes-Petignat & G. van der Veer, One scoring system for the environmental and economic impact of all alien and invasive animal species
11:55 -12:20
Coffee break

Session 6: Successful controls and eradications of invasive species (Chair: W. Nentwig)
12:20 – 12:35
C. Durán, M. Lanao, V. Touya & A. Anadón, 11 years of management of the zebra mussel invasion in the Ebro basin (Northern Spain).
12:35 – 12:50
T. Renals, The response to the arrival of water primrose Ludwigia grandiflora and ‘killer shrimp’ Dikerogammarus villosus in Great Britain.
12:50 – 13:05
R. H. Shaw, R. A. Tanner, M. Seier & U. Schaffner, The argument for classical biological control of invasive weeds in Europe – an aid to decision making.
13:05 – 13:20
L. C. Vieira, S. M. Salom & L. T. Kok, Adelges tsugae Annand biological control program in the eastern United States: first field trials of a new predator, Laricobius osakensis Montgomery & Shiyake (Coleoptera: Derodontidae). 
13:20 – 13:35
C. Silva, S. Hervías, P. Geraldes & T. Pipa, Giant Reed in a Cory´s Shearwater breeding habitat using Decision Support System Model for the decision making
13:35 – 13:50
A. Novoa & L. González, Evaluating barriers to native plant species establishment in coastal dune communities invaded by Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N. E. Br., implications for restoration.
13:50 – 16:00

Session 7: Exploring the routes, pathways and vectors of invasion (Chair: J. Kollmann)
16:15 -16:30
C. Ware, I. G. Alsos, J. B. Kirkpatrick, J. Berge, J. H. Sundet, A .D. M. Coutts, Assessing marine bioinvasion hazards in high-Arctic Svalbard. 
16:30 – 16:45
M. Ros & J. M. Guerra-García, The role of touristic harbors in the distribution of invasive caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Africa.
16:45 – 17:00
A. Santini, R. Eschen & A. Roques, Who is the most endangered of them all? Analysis of tree species vulnerability to alien pests and pathogens in Europe.
17:00 – 17:15
F. Essl, K. Steinbauer, S. Dullinger, T. Mang & D. Moser, Telling a different story: a global assessment of bryophyte invasions.
17:15: - 17:30
P. Pyšek, J. Pergl & V. Jarošík, Alien plants introduced by different pathways differ in invasion success.
17:30 – 17:45
G. Karrer, I. Milakovic, F. Lener & M. Leitsch-Vitalos, The influence of quantity, quality and distances of seeds dispersed by different vectors on the dynamics of ragweed invasion.
17:45 – 18:00
N. Schoenenberger & L. D'Andrea, Genetically engineered Brassica napus: a next generation weed?
18:00 – 18:30
Coffee break
18:30 – 20:00
Poster session 2 (Posters 105-224. See the list at the bottom of the page)
- Successful controls and eradications of invasive species.
- Exploring the routes, pathways and vectors of invasion.
- Species traits conferring invasiveness.
- Biotic and environmental control of biological invasions.
- Genetics and evolution of introduced and native populations.
Conference dinner

Friday 14
09:15 – 9:55
Keynote: D. Richardson, Managing invasive trees: changing approaches, priorities and challenges from around the world

Session 8: Species traits conferring invasiveness (Chair: I. Kowarik)
9:55 – 10:10
D. Plagge, S. Hempel, L. Götzenberger, P. Pyšek, M. C. Rillig, M. Zobel, M. Moora & I. Kühn, Invaders are more often mycorrhizal, but flexible species are more wide-spread.
10:10 – 10:25
D. Sol, J. Maspons, M. Vall-llosera, I. Bartomeus, G. E. García-Peña, J. Piñol & R. P. Freckleton, Unraveling the life history of successful invaders.
10:25 – 10:40
R. I. Colautti, S.  J. Franks, O. Bossdorf & the GGMFS consortium, The global garlic mustard field survey: first results from a large-scale collaborative project in invasion biology.
10:40 – 10:55
M. Gioria, V. Jarošík & P. Pyšek, The role of soil seed banks in plant species invasions.
10:55 – 11.10
D. Moodley, D.M. Richardson, S. Geerts & J.R. Wilson, Proteaceae introductions and invasions: what types of species are introduced globally, and which traits are associated with invasive success?
11:10 – 11:25
C. Alba, M. D. Bowers & R. Hufbauer, Young leaves are better defended and less damaged in introduced versus native populations of Verbascum thapsus: Considering optimal defense and the “evolutionary dilemma” in the context of invasions.
11:25 – 11:40
C. L. Raak-van den Berg, P. W. de Jong, L. Hemerik, H. J. De Lange & J. C. van Lenteren, Why is Harmonia axyridis so successful?
11:40 -12:05
Coffee break

Session 9: Biotic and environmental control of biological invasions (Chair: D. Kriticos)
12:05 – 12:20
P. M. Kotanen, Latitudinal variation in interactions between invasive plants and their natural enemies.
12:20 – 12:35
H. Jäger, D. Sax, M. Rillig & I. Kowarik, Mycorrhizal fungi and nutrients increase performance of Cinchona pubescens in its introduced compared to its native range.
12:35 – 12:50
J. Iguzguiza, C. Başnou & J. Pino, The role of past and present landscape on plant invasion in the Mediterranean coast..
12:50 – 13:05
M. Parepa, M. Fischer, U. Schaffner & O. Bossdorf, Drivers of invasive knotweed success.
13:05 -13:20
J. Laube, T. H. Sparks, C. Bässler & A. Menzel, How Balsams get to the top: a trade-off between adaptation and interaction.
13:20 – 13:35
R. A. Paterson, M. Ennis, J. T.A. Dick, M. J. Hatcher & A. M. Dunn, Functional responses of native vs. exotic amphipods: effects of predation risk and parasitism.
13:35: - 13:50
M. Vall-llosera, D. Sol, F. Llimona, M. de Cáceres & S. Sales, Biotic resistance, niche opportunities and the invasion of natural habitats.
14:00 – 16:00

Session 10: Genetics and evolution of introduced and native populations (Chair: P. Hulme)
16:15 – 16:30
A. R. Kanarek, C. T. Webb & R. D. Holt, Allee effects and invasion success
16:30 – 16:45
L. J. Lamarque, C. J. Lortie, A. J. Porté & S. Delzon, A biogeographical study of the genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of two invasive maple trees, Acer negundo and Acer platanoides.
16:45 – 17:00
S. Stutz, V. Renevey, H. L. Hinz, P. Mráz, U. Schaffner, H. Müller-Schärer, Variation in ploidy level of native and invasive populations of oxeye daisy, (Leucanthemum vulgare sensu lato)
17: 00 – 17:15
J. Molofsky, M. A. Eppinga, S. Keller, S. Lavergne & M. A. Kaproth, Post-introduction evolutionary change in the invasive plant Phalaris arundinacea can lead to critical transitions in wetland ecosystems.
17:15 – 17:30
V. C. Wolf, A. Gassmann, B. M. Clasen, A. G. Smith & C. Müller, Aspects of chemical and genetic diversity of invasive plants to be considered in biological control.
17:30 – 17:45
L. M. Wolfe, Demographic performance in native and introduced populations of a perennial plant (Silene latifolia).
17:45 – 18:10
Coffee break
18:10 – 18:50
NEOBIOTA organising session (Chair: I. Kowarik)
18:50 – 19:15
Concluding remarks, poster awards and farewell

Wednesday 12 September Poster session 1

Climate change interactions with biological invasions
1 Investigating the adaptive potential of agricultural weeds to increased temperatures. K. Dehnen-Schmutz, B. Finch-Savage & P. Neve
2 Modelling the effect of climate change in plant invasion hotspots: from patterns to forecasts. G. García-Baquero, L. Caño, I Biurrun, I. García-Mijangos, M. Herrera, J. Loidi & J. A. Campos
3 Combining bioclimatic models with field trials to reduce uncertainty and aid management decisions on plant invasions in the face of climate change. C. S. Sheppard, B. R. Burns & M. C. Stanley
4 The contribution of seed release to population spread of an invasive thistle under climate change. B. J. Teller, R. Zhang & K. Shea
5 Modeling the establishment potential of Scaphoideus titanus, vector of Grapevine Flavescence doree phytoplasma, in Europe by using the CLIMEX model. G. Strauss, R. Steffek, H. Reisenzein & M. Schwarz
6 Acute cold winter temperature abnormalities and invasive species: an overlooked facet of global climate change?  E. H. Morgan & C. A. Richardson

New tools for prevention and early detection of invasive species
7 Alien species databases: a tool for users or a toy for database developers? A. Narščius, S. Olenin, D. Minchin & A. Zaiko
8 Towards an integrated information system on marine non-indigenous species of Europe and neighboring regions. S. Olenin, B. Galil, S. Gollasch, D. Minchin, A. Narscius, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, H. Ojaveer, G. Srebaliene, & A. Zaiko
9 Aquatic invasive species and biotic indices: a fake evidence of water quality improvement? A. Zaiko, D. Daunys & A. Šiaulys
10 Planting European sentinel trees in Asia, an early warning method for the identification of forest insects potentially invasive to Europe. A. Roques & J. Sun
11 Assessing the likelihood of introduction of forest pests based on their worldwide occurrence. R. Eschen, T. Holmes, D. Smith & M. Kenis
12 Development of a classification model based on field spectral and biochemical leaf properties to analyse Acacia invasion via remote sensing. J. Lehmann, J. Oldeland, M. Römer, & A. Große-Stoltenberg
13 Remote sensing in invasive plant ecology? Detection, monitoring and control of alien herb species. J. Müllerová & N. Đurič
14 Nature Locator: Geospatial Smartphone Apps and the use of Crowd Sourcing for the Accurate Recording of Invasive Species. D. Kilbey
15 Creation and role of the Observatory of ragweed in France. Q. Martinez & B. Chauvel
16 Prioritisation of alien plant species in Poland: the basis for management. B. Tokarska-Guzik, Z. Dajdok, M. Zając, A. Zając, A. Urbisz, W. Danielewicz & C. Hołdyński
17 Management of invasive plants on a regional scale in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. K. Schneider
18 Spread of Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. in protected areas on sandstone soils in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. K. Schneider
19 Works and projects of the French Working Group «Biological Invasions in Aquatic Environments» (WG BIAE): studies on aquatic species management and realization of a good practice guide. E. Mazaubert, A. Dutartre & N. Poulet
20 Invasive riverside plants on peninsular Spain: who are you and where do you come from? A. I. García-Cervigón, J. A. Calleja, R. Garilleti, F. Lara & J. M. Olano
21 Human project impacts on vegetation: coping with alien plants. I. Passos, M. J. Silva, M. R. Silva, H. Costa & M. Mascarenhas
22 Raccoon Tracks Identification Guide: Applying Animal Tracking Skills to Detect Invasive Exotic Species. I. Salgado
23 Preventing plant invasions with the horticultural sector: first results of the Code of conduct on invasive plants in Belgium. M. Halford, E. Branquart, S. Vanderhoeven, L. Heemers, C. Mathys, S. Wallens & G. Mahy
24 Tackling invasives through valuing and volunteering – a 2-pronged approach. P. K. McGregor, N. Morris & T. Renals
25 Public perception of non-native species and visions of nature in The Netherlands. L. N.H. Verbrugge, R. J.G. van den Born & H.J. R. Lenders
26 The effect of newspaper coverage on stakeholders’ prioritisation of invasive plants in Galicia. J. Touza, M. L. Chas Amil, A. Pérez Alonso & K. Dehnen-Schmutz
27 The IUCN/SSC ISSG contribution to Halting Biological Invasions in Europe. P. Genovesi, R. Scalera, S. Pagad, L. Carnevali & A. Alonzi
28 The role of ESENIAS in IAS policy making in Europe. A. Uludag, M. Rat, R. Tomov, T. Trichkova, R. Scalera & M. Josefsson

Modelling the success of alien species
29 Species distribution models predict range expansion better than chance, but are they meaningful? Implications to invasive species management. M. Rodríguez-Rey, A. Jiménez-Valverde & P. Acevedo
30 Ecologically meaningful models for invasion: accounting for interactions between species and the environment. E. Palma, J. A. Catford, P. A. Vesk & M. D. White
31 Modelling climate suitability for exotic plant pathogens: lessons learned after the emergence of Mycosphaerella nawae in Spain. A. Vicent & D. Makowski
32 Naturalization of garden plants as a result of the interplay of species traits, propagule pressure and residence time: a project introduction. I. Perglová, P. Petřík, J. Sádlo, M. Hejda, K. Štajerová, P. Pyšek, J. Danihelka, J. Chrtek, V. Jarošík, L. Moravcová & J. Pergl
33 Using predictive models to improve the detection and monitoring of alien invasive plant species in heterogeneous Landscapes. J. R. Vicente, J. P. Honrado, M. B. Araújo, P. Verburg, J. Cabral, C. F. Randin & A. Guisan
34 A new wave of allergenic weeds knocking at the door? S. Follak, S. Dullinger, F. Essl, M. Getzner, I. Kleinbauer, D. Moser & D. Zak
35 What shapes giant hogweed invasion? Answers from a spatio-temporal model integrating multiscale monitoring data. S. Moenickes & J. Thiele
36 Downscaling the predicted probability of invasion by alien plants from landscape mosaics to land cover classes in Northern Portugal. R. Fernandes, J. Vicente, D. Georges, P. Alves, W. Thuiller & J. Honrado
37 Spatial patterns of invasion and potential distribution of Fallopia species at the regional scale: a case study from Southern Poland. S.Tarłowska, A. Pasierbiński & B. Tokarska-Guzik
38 Impact and management strategy for an invasive succulent plant (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) in a Neotropical arid zone. I. Herrera, M. J. Hernandez, M. Lampo, J. M. Nassar & N. Chacón
39 GIS mapping of invasive plants in the surroundings of the river Ebro as it passes through Castejón (Navarra, Spain). J. A. Sánchez, D. Rodríguez, M. Lizana, J. J. Morales & F. Flechoso
40 Predicting the worldwide potential distribution of the boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber, 1851) (Order: Heteroptera; Fam: Corixidae). S. Guareschi, C. Coccia, D. Sánchez-Fernández, J. A. Carbonell, J. Velasco, L. Boyero, A. J. Green & A. Millán
41 Temporal trends in non-indigenous freshwater species records during the 20th century: a case study in the Iberian Peninsula. C. Morquecho, R. Vieira-Lanero, M. J. Servia, S. Barca, S. Silva, D. Nachón, P. Gómez-Sande, J. Sánchez-Hernández, M. T. Couto, S. Rivas, L. Lago & F. Cobo
42 The top 10 worst invasive species in Europe: distribution and impacts on ecosystem services. B. Gallardo, C. MacLaughlan & D. C. Aldridge
43 The effects of bet-hedging on introduced populations. J. Maspons & D. Sol

Risk analysis of biological invasions
44 Evaluation of two methods of weed risk assessment in Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystems. M. J. Salinas, A. López-Escoriza & J. Cabello
45 Risk assessment of non-native tree species permitted in forestry in Estonia. M. Mölter & M. Ööpik
46 Prioritization of quarantine and exotic plant pests based on a risk ranking tool in France. B. Moignot, F. Ouvrard, R. Mouttet, F. Suffert & P. Reynaud
47 The Invasive Alien Plants of the Tuscan Archipelago (Central Mediterranean): the EPPO prioritization process. L. Lazzaro, G. Brundu, R. Benesperi, G. Ferretti & B. Foggi
48 How to tell the worst among the bad guys? J. van Valkenburg, U. Starfinger, E. Branquart, S. Buholzer, G. Brundu, G. Fried & S. Brunel
49 Canceled
50 A rapid risk screening approach for invasive species in Mexico. P. Koleff, G. Born-Schmidt, A. I. González Martínez, Y. Barrios & S. de Jesús
51 When can risk assessment for deliberate introduction of natural enemies be satisfactory? The case study of Iberorhyzobius rondensis, a predator of the invasive pine bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi. C. Tavares, I. Van Halder, H. Jactel & M. Branco
52 Decision support tools for invasive alien species in Galicia. L. Capdevila-Argüelles,V. A. Suárez Álvarez, B. Zilletti, M. Salvande & J. Santamarina

Ecological impacts of biological invasions
53 Alien Macromycetes in Lithuania – an overview of the recent years. J. Motiejūnaitė, R. Iršėnaitė, A. Kačergius, J. Kasparavičius & E. Kutorga
54 The actual number versus cumulative number of localities of invasive plants. A. Feher & D. Halmova
55 Impact of Plant Invasions on Ecosystem Processes: Where Does All the C, N and P Go? B. Osborne
56 Context dependence of invasion impacts and their conservation relevance. M. von der Lippe, J. Elsaesser & I. Kowarik
57 Soil saprotrophic fungal diversity under Fallopia japonica invasion. T. Mincheva, G. C. Varese, E. Barni, S. Voyron & C. Siniscalco
58 Soil microarthropod communities under Fallopia japonica and native prairie vegetation. T. Mincheva, F. De Conti, C. Menta, E. Barni, C. Siniscalco
59 Distribution and invasiveness of the alien plant Helichrysum petiolare Hilliard & B.L. Burtt (Asteraceae) in Northwest Iberian Peninsula. J. Mouriño, J. Fagúndez & G. Bernárdez
60 Changes in soil quality in response to the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis. A. Novoa, R. Rodríguez & L. González
61 Effect of the invasion of Spartina densiflora on the benthic metabolism of coastal ecosystems. E. M. Castellanos, A. García-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Vázquez, A. Vélez-Martín, M.J. Cadenas, E. Mateos-Naranjo, S. Redondo-Gómez & C.J. Luque
62 Impact of the invasion of Spartina densiflora on the marsh invertebrate community (Insecta and Aracnida) of the Doñana National Park (SW Spain). A. García-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Vázquez, A. Vélez-Martín, M.J. Cadenas, M. Coca, C. J. Luque & E. M. Castellanos
63 Mechanisms behind the spatial distribution of 15N patterns occurring after the invasion of dune systems by Acacia longifolia. F. Ulm, A. Mayele, K. Rascher, C. Werner, C. Cruz, & C. Máguas
64 Quantifying community-scale impacts of the N2-fixing invasive Acacia longifolia using 15N isoscapes. C. Hellmann, K. G. Rascher, C.Máguas & C. Werner
65 Different impact of above and belowground allelochemicals released by the invasive mimosa (Acacia dealbata) on soil functional diversity. P. Lorenzo, C.S. Rodrigues Pereira & S. Rodríguez-Echeverría
66 Impacts of the invasive mimosa (Acacia dealbata) on above and belowground diversity in different native ecosystems. P. Lorenzo, M. Rubido-Bará, S. Rodríguez-Echeverría & L. González
67 Ecophysiological impact of invasive Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. on native perennial species. M. I. Hussain, L. González & M. J. Reigosa
68 Alien Acacia invasion significantly alters the structure of pine forests and open stabilized dunes in Portugal. K. G. Rascher, A. Große-Stoltenberg, C. Máguas & C. Werner
69 Water and carbon cycling in a Mediterranean pine forest are substantially altered after invasion by an exotic Acacia. K. G. Rascher, A. Große-Stoltenberg, C. Máguas & C. Werner
70 Effects of invasive trees (Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia) on nutrients and enzymatic activity of a riparian soil. S. Medina-Villar, A. Alonso, E. Pérez-Corona, S. Rodríguez-Echeverría, N. González-Muñoz, G. Valle-Torres & P. Castro-Díez
71 Eucalyptus camaldulensis invasion of riparian zones: effects on floristic diversity, stand structure and composition of native vegetation. F. Tererai, M. Gaertner, S. M. Jacobs, & D. M. Richardson
72 Does nutrient cycling differ between native and invaded riparian plant communities? L. Banin, D. Fornara, V. Cenini, E. Fitos & C. Maggs
73 Variable effects of invasive species’ removal on the sexual reproduction of co-flowering native plants. V. Ferrero, S. Castro, J. Costa, A. Jorge, P. Acuña, L. Navarro & J. Loureiro
74 Invasibility of relict priority habitats in the Canary Islands.  V. E. Martín Osorio, A. de la Rosa Padilla & W. Wildpret de la Torre
75 Alien flora of the Czech Republic: checklist update, species diversity and invasion patterns. P. Pyšek, J. Pergl, J. Danihelka, J. Sádlo, J. Chrtek Jr., M. Chytrý, V.Jarošík, Z. Kaplan, F. Krahulec, L. Moravcová, K. Štajerová & L. Tichý
76 Distribution and monitoring of selected neophytes in Luxembourg. C. Ries & M. Pfeiffenschneider
77 Early detection of alien plants in xeric Natura 2000 sites in Southern Belgium .A. Monty, G. Frisson & G. Mahy
78 A review on forestation activities in Turkey in the context of invasive alien plants. A. Uludag & I. Uremis
79 INSPECTED.NET: INvasive SPecies Evaluation, ConTrol & EDucation.NETwork. A. Große-Stoltenberg, C. Antunes, T. Buttschardt, P. Fernandes, M. Gastauer, C. Hellmann, J. Lehmann, C. Listopad, C. Máguas,J. A. A. Meira-Neto, K. G. Rascher, M. C. N. A. da Silva, J. Thiele, G. S. Tolentino, & C. Werner
80 Comparison of the vascular alien flora of wetlands in the Valencian Community, Gymnesian Islands (Spain) and Sardinia (Italy). G. Bacchetta, P. Fraga, F. Mascia, O. Mayoral1, L. Podda, E. Laguna & J. Rita
81 Overview of the ongoing researches on the invasion of Vespa velutina var. nigrothorax (hym.: vespidae), the asian hornet, in Europe. F. J. Muller, Q. Rome, M. Arca, G. Arnold, M. Barbet-Massin, F. Jiguet, F. Mougel, A. Perrard, J. F. Silvain & C. Villemant
82 The invasive asian hornet Vespa velutina Lepeletier in the Basque Country (Northern Spain). The History of a recent invasion. A. Goldarazena & S. López
83 Cryptotermes brevis (Wlk) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae): A new termite problem in the Iberian Peninsula. M. Gaju, R.Molero, C. Bach de Roca, T. de Troya, V. Rubio, D. Rubio & L. Nunes
84 The influence of the invasive species- raccoon dog- (Nycteruetes procyonoides) on the ecosystem in western Poland- food contents and habitat using patterns. N. Osten-Sacken & L. Rychlik
85 The parasites of the invasive species raccoon dog and its mortality in western Poland. N. Osten-Sacken & L. Rychlik
86 Reproductive biology of the alien Korean bait-worm, Perinereis vancaurica tetradentata (Annelida: Nereididae), from the Mar Menor Lagoon (Western Mediterranean) A. Arias, A. Richter, N. Anadón & C. J. Glasby
87 Palaemon elegans Rathke 1837 – an alien species in the Gulf of Gdansk - what are the costs and benefits of its presence? A. Szaniawska & A. Kąkol
88 Effect of the invasive polychaete Marenzelleria spp. on benthic processes and meiobenthos in shallow sandy sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results. B. Urban-Malinga, J. Warzocha, M. Zalewski & S. Gromisz
89 Ponto-Caspian gammarids – new species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea). A. Dobrzycka-Krahel, H. Kendzierska & A. Szaniawska
90 Potential impact of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii on other macroinvertebrates in the coastal Baltic waters. J. Hegele-Drywa, M. Kowal & M. Normant
91 How invasive alien species are changing ecological quality status of aquatic ecosystems? G. Srėbalienė, S. Olenin, D. Minchin & A. Zaiko
92 First registration of Trichodina domerguei (Ciliophora, Trichonidae) from Ponto-Caspian gobies in Poland. V. Yurakhno, K. Mierzejewska, N. Rubtsova, J. Grabowska & M. Ovcharenko
93 The outspread of Anabaena bergii and related taxa in European freshwaters. J. Koreiviene & J. Kasperoviciene
94 Effects of the invasive Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) on the taxonomic structure of plankton assemblages in Lithuanian lakes. J. Kasperoviciene, J. Koreiviene & J Karosiene
95 Impact of parasites on populations. M. Bunke, M. Hatcher, J.T.A. Dick & A. Dunn
96 Distribution, abundance and growth of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in the Tagus estuary (Portugal). L. Garaulet, P. Chainho, J. L. Costa, M. Gaspar & M. J. Costa
97 Expansion of the exotic unionid Anodonta woodiana in northeast Catalonia (Spain). Q. Pou-Rovira, M. Campos, C. Feo, R. Araujo, D. Boix, X. Llopart & E. Cruset
98 Trophic impacts of two invasive decapods on freshwater communities. P. J. Rosewarne, C.Wing, C. Grocock, R. J. G. Mortimer & A.M. Dunn
99 Claw strength and blue mussel Mytilus trossulus size selection by Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. D. Wójcik & M. Normant
100 Parasites of an alien fish spreading in Europe based on long-term observation in the Włocławek Reservoir on the lower Vistula River in Poland K. Mierzejewska, K. Stańczak, P. Hliwa, T. Kakareko & A.Martyniak
101 On the invasive character of a population of Phoxinus bigerri Kottelat, 2007 in a small river of the Atlantic watershed of Galicia (NW Spain). J. Sánchez-Hernández, R. Vieira-Lanero, M. J.Servia, S. Barca, S. Silva, D. Nachón, P. Gómez-Sande, C. Morquecho, M. T. Couto, S.Rivas, L. Lago & F. Cobo
102 How do invasive bighead goby Neogobius kessleri compete with round goby N. melanostomus (Teleostei, Gobiidae)? B. Števove & V. Kováč
103 Invasive species facilitate spread and establishment of other alien species - case of great cormorants. J. Motiejūnaitė, D. Matulevičiūtė, E. Kutorga, S. Markovskaja & M. Dagys
104 Non-native species in Spanish transitional waters: a review of their origin, introduction pathways and main impacts. M. Peg Cámara, A. Mellado Díaz & M.l Toro Velasco
105 Syntopy between two non-native terrapin species and native terrapins populations in the Ebro river in Castejón de Ebro, Navarra. F. Flechoso, M. Lizana, J. J. Morales, J. A. Sánchez & D. Rodríguez

Thursday 13 September Poster session 2

Successful controls and eradications of invasive species
1 Back on stage – Resumed evaluation of the leaf-spot pathogen Mycosphaerella polygoni-cuspidati as a second biocontrol agent for Japanese knotweed. K. M. Pollard, D. Kurose, D. H. Djeddour & M. K. Seier
2 A ring test for ragweed seed viability using tetrazolium testing. U.Starfinger, U. Sölter, A.Verschwele, G. Karrer, F. Lener, I. Kerepesi, G. Kazinczi, P. Kudsk & S.K. Mathiassen
3 The fate of ragweed seed in heat. U. Starfinger, U. Sölter & A. Verschwele
4 The contribution of post-harvest ripened ragweed seeds after cut for control. G. Karrer & T. Pixner
5 Enhancing the efficacy of Japanese Knotweed s.l. taxa control using synthetic herbicides and integrated management strategies in the UK. D. Jones, K. Hughes, G. Bruce, D. C. Eastwood & F. A. Street-Perrott
6 Wrack burial reduces germination and establishment of an invasive cordgrass. A. M. Abbas, A. Rubio-Casal, J .J. Nieva, A. de Cires, E. Figueroa & J. M. Castillo
7 The invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora in ecological restorations of salt marshes in the Gulf of Cadiz. J. M. Castillo, G. Curado & M. E. Figueroa
8 Pennisetum setaceum: a new threat to Mediterranean arid ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula. J.Cabello, M. J.Salinas, A. López-Escoriza, J.L. Caparros, H. Schwarzer & J.M. Quero
9 Control of Vegetal Invasive Species in Islands transforming it in Paper and Cardboard to manufacture Packaging. A. Ruiz Rallo, V. E. Martín Osorio, la Rosa Padilla, W. Wildpret de la Torre, A. Rivero Rivero, P. Reina Moreno, D. Santos Bellorín & L. E. Rodríguez
10 Management of exotic invasive plants in the Nature 2000 site of the Banyoles lake. M. Campos, I. Camós, Q. Pou-Rovira & C. Feo
11 Unanticipated spatial benefits of biocontrol of an invasive thistle. K. Shea, K. M. Marchetto, D. Kelly, R. Groenteman, Z. Sezen & E. Jongejans
12 Life+ Project Estuaries of the Basque Country: control and elimination of Baccharis halimifolia L. in Urdaibai. E. Beteta, L. Oreja, A. Prieto & M. Rozas
13 Potential solutions for the control of riparian and aquatic invasive weeds in Europe: a review on the progress of classical biological control programmes in the UK. D. H. Djeddour, K. Jones, K. M. Pollard, M. K. Seier, R.A.Tanner, S. Varia, S. V. Wood & R. H.Shaw
14 Control of Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. (Arum lily) in Salvora Island. Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. C. García Rodríguez, C. López Leiva & A. Blanco Neo
15 Canceled
16 Habitat restoration of small and shallow water bodies as a management measure for invasive American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. S. Devisscher, T. Adriaens & G. Louette
17 Control of invasive American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus in small shallow water bodies. G. Louette, S. Devisscher & T. Adriaens
18 Pilot project to eradicate invasive alien smallmouth bass using a piscicide from a conservation priority river in South Africa: rationale, river treatment and way forward. N.D. Impson & B. van Staden
19 Projecte Estany, a LIFE+ project for the recovery of native biodiversity throgh the demographic control of aquatic exotic species: aims and first results. Q. Pou-Rovira, M. Campos & C. Feo
20 Eradications of mammals on islands: factors predicting success. A. Zanetta & S. Bacher

Exploring the routes, pathways and vectors of invasion
21 Tracking origins of the highly invasive horse-chestnut leafminer using herbaria and minibarcodes. D.C Lees, H.W. Lack, R. Rougerie, A. Hernandez-Lopez, T. Raus, N.D. Avtzis, S. Augustin & C. Lopez-Vaamonde
22 Air-borne spread of Ceratocystis platani by saw dust. A. Santini, A. L. Pepori, L. Ghelardini & N. Luchi
23 On the distribution’s patterns of alien species at the Moscow region. S.R. Majorov
24 Migration routes of Ambrosia artemisiifolia throughout Austria and neigbouring countries indicated by DNA microsatellite analyses. G. Karrer, M. Kropf, C. Blöch, A. Huppenberger & M. Leitsch-Vitalos
25 Relationship of geographic distribution of the most characteristical invasive plant species in habitats adjacent to the transport corridors within the territory of Daugavpils city. S. Rutkovska, I. Pučka & P. Evarts-Bunders
26 Passive dispersal by waterfowl of seeds of Spartina densiflora and Ludwigia grandiflora, invasive species in wetlands and Mediterranean saltmarshes. C.J. Luque, A. García-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Vázquez, A. Vélez-Martín, A. Hussner, A.J. Green & E.M. Castellanos
27 Case studies on the alien flora of the vicinity of cemeteries in East Latvia. I. Novicka
28 How many Ant Species are Being Shipped Around the World? V. Miravete, N. Roura-Pascual, R. R. Dunn & C. Gómez
29 A bridgehead effect in the invasion of the Western conifer seed bug in Europe? V. Lesieur, M.A. Auger-Rozenberg & A. Roques
30 History and patterns of insect pest invasion of eucalyptus and citrus ecosystems in Portugal. A. Garcia, J. Franco, M. R. Paiva, & M. Branco
31 Tracing provenience and dispersal mode of gobies invading Switzerland by microsatellite analysis. I. Kalchhauser, P. Mutzner & P. Burkhardt-Holm
32 Social drivers of species introductions. F. García Novo, M. Casal & A. Basanta Alves
33 Can waterfowl enhance the spread of invasive crayfish? F. Banha, M. Águas, M. Marques, & P. M. Anastácio
34 Following aliens in Portuguese wind farms. I. Passos, S. Mesquita, M. J. Silva, M. R. Silva, J. Bernardino, H. 0osta & M. Mascarenhas
35 Quantifying the likelihood of invasion by global shipping. H.Seebens & B.Blasius
36 Assessing pathways of introduction of marine aliens in European Seas: temporal and spatial patterns. S. Katsanevakis, A. Zenetos, C. Belchior & A. C. Cardoso
37 Six degrees of preparation: analysing shipping networks as a pathway for invasive species. D. Paini
38 Canceled
39 Simulating Transport Conditions in Marine Invasive Species: Preliminary Results from a Global Replicated Stress Tolerance Experiment. M. Garcia, F. Antunes, J. Canning-Clode, M. Lenz & M. Wahl
40 The potential role of an unregulated coastal anthropogenic activity in facilitating the spread of a non-indigenous biofoulant. E. H. Morgan & C. A. Richardson
41 Habitat and distribution of the exotic marine invertebrates in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula). C. Besteiro, V. Urgorri, G. Díaz-Agras & T. Losada
42 Introduced marine non-indigenous species in Portuguese estuaries and coastal areas: who, where and how? P. Chainho, A. Amorim, J. Castro, A. Costa, J. L. Costa, T. Cruz, D. Sobral, A. Fernandes, R. Melo, T. Silva, M. Sousa, P. Torres,V. Veloso & M. Costa
43 Paracaprella pusilla Mayer 1890, a new alien crustacean in the Mediterranean Sea. M. Ros, M. Vázquez-Luis, J. M. Guerra-García, C. Navarro-Barranco & E. Baeza-Rojano
Species traits conferring invasiveness
44 Quantifying ecological novelty in biological invasions. W.C. Saul, T. Heger, J. M. Jeschke & J. Kollmann
45 Fitness advantages of specialization. S. Rossinelli & S. Bacher
46 Allelopathy in Fallopia sp. – a factor in success or a curse?. K. Koszela & B. Tokarska-Guzik
47 The role of allelopathy in Heracleum mantegazzianum invasion. K. Jandová, P. Dostál & T. Cajthaml
48 Germination and relative growth rate of two annual plants invading river corridors. Does seed heteromorphism matter? A. Sendek, K. Herz, H. Auge, I. Hensen & S. Klotz
49 Sexual and asexual reproduction traits among cytotypes and floral morphs of Oxalis pes-caprae invasive populations. M. Castro, V. Ferrero, J. Costa, L. Navarro, J. Loureiro, S. Roiloa & S. Castro
50 Plant invasion and species traits across habitats in Cantabric rivers. D. Liendo, J.A. Campos, García-Mijangos, M. Herrera, J. Loidi & I. Biurrun
51 Increased population growth in invasive polyploid Centaurea stoebe in a common garden. M.A. Hahn, Y. M. Buckley & H. Müller-Schärer
52 Reproductive characteristics related to invasiveness in Ambrosia artemisiifolia. L. Moravcová, H. Skálová, V. Jarošík & P. Pyšek
53 Local adaptation of invasive alien Impatiens glandulifera to contrasting habitats? A. T. Liebaug, S. Haider & J. Kollmann
54 Release and constraints at different scales - a framework for understanding the role of evolution in plant invasions. A. Erfmeier
55 Metabolic differences between native and invasive populations of Bunias orientalis and its implications on herbivores and their parasitoids. T. M. Fortuna, S.Eckert, J. A. Harvey, L. Vet, R. Gols & C. Müller
56 Plasticity vs constancy linked with invasiveness: an experimental test comparing invasive and naturalized plant species in their introduced range. E. Ruprecht, A. Femesi & I. Nijs
57 Changing hierarchy in size traits during ontogeneses and due to environment. H. Skálová, Š. Dvořáčková, V. Havlíčková & P. Pyšek
58 Alien species of Conyza Less. in Europe. Yu.K. Vinogradova
59 Alien species of Robinia L. in Europe: flowering patterns & seed production. Yu.K. Vinogradova, E.V. Тkaсheva, J. Brindza, S.R. Mayorov & R. Ostrowsky
60 Reproductive biology of Australian acacias in Portugal. M. Correia, S. Castro, V. Ferrero, J. A. Crisóstomo & S. Rodríguez-Echeverría
61 Differences in temporal niche among exotic tree species co-occurring in riparian forest of the Iberian Peninsula. G. Valle-Torres, P. Castro-Díez & N. González-Muñoz
62 Early resistance of alien and native pines against two native generalist insect herbivores: no support for the Natural Enemy Hypothesis. A. Carrillo-Gavilán, X. Moreira, R. Zas, M. Vilà & L. Sampedro
63 Notes on the new findings and biology of the alien species Branchiomma bairdi (Mclntosh, 1885) (Annelida: Sabellidae) from Central Mediterranean A. Arias, A. Giangrande, M.C. Gambi & N. Anadón
64 Variation in reproduction parameters of an invasive population of round goby from the middle Danube. K. Hôrková & V. Kováč
65 Reproductive parameters of an invasive population of topmouth gudgeon from a heavily disturbed habitat (project UK/409/2012). K. Švolíková, E. Záhorská & V. Kováč
66 Morphological variability in pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus from different habitats in non-native area of distribution. M. Balážová, E. Záhorská & G. H. Copp

Biotic and environmental control of biological invasions
67 Pollination at home and abroad. M. Vilà, A. Montero-Castaño & F. J. Ortiz-Sánchez

68 Pollinator visitation of native and alien plant species. M. Razanajatovo, C. Heiniger, M. Fischer & M. van Kleunen
69 Do disturbances change the altitudinal distribution of native and non native plants in the eastern cordillera of Ecuador? V. Sandoya, L. Cavieres & A.Pauchard
70 Synergistic effects of soil characteristics, allelopathy, and frugivory on the establishment of the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis. A. Novoa, L. González, L. Moravcová & P. Pyšek
71 How understanding ecological interactions provides tools for conservation biocontrol of the weedy leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). M. Augé, R. Sforza, M. C. Bon & T.Le Bourgeois
72 Native herbs early response to grazing abandonment in NW Patagonia. L. Sánchez-Jardón, A. Del Pozo, I. Martín Forés, B. Acosta, M. A. Casado, C. Ovalle & J. M. De Miguel
73 Old field succession in Mediterranean grasslands of Central Chile: the role of alien species. I. Martín-Forés, I. Castro, C. Ovalle, A. Del Pozo, J. M. De Miguel, L. Sánchez-Jardón, B. Acosta-Gallo & M. A. Casado
74 The rich get richer: socioeconomic status, taxonomic and functional composition in urban green areas of Valdivia, Chile. N. Carrasco-Farias, A. Meyer & I. Kühn
75 Fine-tuned ability to predcit future competitive environment in common ragweed seeds. A. Fenesi, A. J. Albert & E. Ruprecht
76 Fire promotes downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) seed dispersal. A. Monty, C. S. Brown & D. B. Johnston
77 Low persistence of a monocarpic invasive plant in historical sites biases our perception of its invasion dynamics. J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, I. Perglová & V. Jarošík
78 Demographic responses of a invasive plant across altitudinal gradients: the case of Eschscholzia californica (papaveraceae) in central Chile. R. O. Bustamante & F. Peña-Gómez
79 Ecological requirements, short-term dynamics and competition among native and invasive Impatiens species: a field test. J. Čuda, H. Skálová, Z. Janovský & P. Pyšek
80 Lantana camara L.: a weed with a wide thermal tolerance at darkness. J. Carrión-Tacuri, A. E. Rubio-Casal, A. De Cires, M. E. Figueroa & J. M. Castillo
81 Key biological indicators to assess Invasive Terrestrial Plant Species in the Măcin Mountains National Park. Romania. M. Dumitrascu, M. Doroftei, I. Grigorescu, C. S. Dragota & M. Nastase
82 Assessing the invasion risk of human-managed riparian forest by comparing seedling performance of co-occurring native and exotic tree species through an experimental gradient of light and soil moisture. N. González-Muñoz, O. Godoy & P. Castro-Díez
83 Assessing invasive terrestrial plan species Amorpha fruticosa in three wetland areas in Romania: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Comana Natural Park and Lower Mureş Floodplain Natural Park. I. Grigorescu, M. Doroftei, M. Dumitrascu, G. Kucsicsa, M. Mierla, C.S. Dragota & M. Nastase
84 Early responses of Baccharis halimifolia seedlings to salt stress: maternal environment matters. L. Caño, M.Tens, T. Fuertes-Mendizabal, M. González-Moro & M. Herrera
85 Dynamics of species composition of riparian vegetation vs spatial distribution of invasive Fallopia taxa. G. Woźniak, B. Tokarska-Guzik, T. Nowak, K. Bzdęga, D. Chmura, K. Koszela, J. Pojnar & T. Arendarczyk
86 Spontaneous associated plants in short rotation coppice: challenge for invaders. A. Feher, D. Halmova & L. Koncekova
87 A transcontinental biogeographic comparison of native and invasive dominants: Are invasives indeed doing something different than natives? K. Štajerová, P. Pyšek, V. Jarošík, M. Hejda, D. Blumenthal, R. M. Callaway, D. L. Larson, P. Kotanen & U. Schaffner
88 Colonizer potential and invasion pattern of Acacia dealbata Link in Chile and Spain. A. Fuentes-Ramírez, A. Pauchard, L. A. Cavieres, R. A. García, N. Aguilera-Marín, V. Hernández, J. Becerra, P. Lorenzo, P. Souza-Alonso, M. Rubido-Bará, A. Novoa, M. J. Reigosa & L. González
89 Unfaithful lovers. Are the invaders overly dependent on their new relationships? P. Souza-Alonso, C. G. Puig & L. González
90 What controls the distribution of three invasive trees in Spanish riversides. I. Cabra Rivas, A.Saldaña López, P. Castro Díez, G. Valle Torres & M. Otero de Jesús
91 Plant-soil feedback and invasion by Australian acacias. C. Afonso & S. Rodríguez-Echeverría
92 The extended flowering period of the invasive Acacia longifolia under mesic conditions can enhance the invasive.success. P. Fernandes, C. Antunes, O. Correia & C. Máguas
93 Interactions between the dynamics of Acacia spp. in Galicia (NW Spain) and forest fire incidence. A. Vázquez de la Cueva, J. Martínez, L. Hernández & I. Cañellas
94 Effects of invasive plants on the structure and diversity of the plant communities after forest fire over time. J. García-Duro, A. Muñoz; J. Pereiras, O. Reyes & M. Casal
95 Prediction of the Pinus radiata reproductive behavior depending on the intensity of a forest fire on the soil. J. García-Duro, M. del Valle, J. Salgado & O. Reyes
96 Three years of monitoring of Dreissena polymorpha population larvae in the eupotamal stretch of the river Ebro (Castejón de Ebro, Navarra). M. Lizana, F.Flechoso, J.Morales & E. Rodríguez
97 Ecological determinants of parasite acquisition by exotic fish species. R. A. Paterson, C. R. Townsend, D. M. Tompkins & R. Poulin
98 Environmental variables affecting dispersion patterns and orientation in dry land of two invasive crustaceans: Procambarus clarkii and Eriocheir sinensis. M. Marques, F. Banha, M. Águas & P. Anastácio
99 Mediterranean rivers with low hydromorphological impacts constitute a refuge for native fish and amphibians, in front expansion of exotic aquatic species: the case of several basins in northeast Catalonia (Spain). Q. Pou-Rovira, X. Llopart, E. Cruset & M. Rot
100 Accomodation phase of a bioinvasion process: evidence based criteria. D. Minchin, A. Zaiko & S.Olenin

Genetics and evolution of introduced and native populations
101 Genetic diversity in native and invasive populations of Taeniatherum caput-medusae ssp. asperum (medusahead): geographic origins, multiple introductions and founder effects. M. Peters, R. Sforza & S. J. Novak
102 Mitochondrial COI diversity in Mya arenaria populations from the Romanian Black Sea littoral. A. M. Krapal, O.P. Popa, E.I. Iorgu, M. Costache & L.O. Popa
103 Distribution patterns and genetic differentiation of the American mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould, 1841 from Polish coastal waters. J.Hegele-Drywa, C. D. Schubart, M. Normant, N. Thiercelin & A. Kąkol
104 The invasion of the seaweed Sargassum muticum in the Northern Hemisphere: high success without high genetic diversity. F. Viard, S. Bouchemousse, A. H. Engelen, N. Mieszkowska & C. Daguin-Thiébaut
105 Genetic diversity of an invasive alien plant species Rumex confertus Willd. in Polish part of its secondary range. I. Żabińska & B. Tokarska-Guzik
106 Diversity of Impatiens glandulifera populations in Lithuania. E. Kupcinskiene, L. Zybartaite, J. Zukauskiene & A. Paulauskas
107 Studies of habitats and genetic diversity of Impatiens parviflora in Lithuania. R. Janulioniene, E. Kupcinskiene, L. Zybartaite, J. Zukauskiene & A. Paulauskas
108 Characterisation of phenotypic plasticity in seedling stage of native and invasive populations in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.  B. Gard, B. Laitung, T. Fanjas-Mercère & F. Bretagnolle
109 Ulmus laevis and Ulmus pumila two stories to compare. A.L. Pepori, F. Pecori, J.E. Zalapa, J. Brunet & A.Santini
110 Rapid evolution in biological control systems. U. Schaffner
111 Do indigenous phytophagous insects and fungi prefer exotic or native trees? N. Kirichenko, M.Tomoshevich, C. Péré, Y. Baranchikov & M. Kenis
112 Historical demography and origins of invasive biotypes in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci complex. M. Hadjistylli, J. Brown & G. Roderick 
113 Genetic characterization of Zebra mussel invasion in Ebro river. L. Peñarrubia, O. Vidal, J. Viñas, C. Pla & N. Sanz
114 Different morphological forms of the Asian clam (Corbicula spp.) in European waters, but only one COI mitochondrial haplotype. O. P. Popa, P. Morais, S. Lois, E.I. Iorgu, A. M. Krapal, M. Costache & L. O. Popa
115 Comparative genetic diversity patterns of mosquitofish populations among invaded watersheds. D. Díez-del-Molino, R. M. Araguas, O. Vidal, N. Sanz & J. L. García-Marín
116 Reproductive parameters of topmouth gudgeon from a heated Lake (Licheńskie, Poland). E. Záhorská, K. Švolíková, V. Kováč & A. Kapusta
117 Alien snakes in Balearics: Combining molecular tools and GIS to determine the invasion and expansion patterns. I. R. Silva Rocha, D. Salvi & M. A. Carretero
118 Colonization of Brazil by the invasive cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) revealed by mitochondrial DNA. E. Moralez-Silva & S.N. Del Lama
119 Genetic variation of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Lithuania. A. Paulauskas, L. Griciuvienė, J. Radzijevskaja & V. Gedminas
120 The genetic variation of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) in Lithuania. G. Skyrienė & A. Paulauskas

Saturday 15 September
Facultative guided excursion to  Cíes Island